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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mornings.... HATE!!(*Updated*)

Evil mornings... everyone tells me "HEY! get up and seize the day!" Well maybe i wanna seize the day from the comfort of my bed!! have you ever thought of that!? Last night i had an awesome dream where this happened..
Now who would ever want to wake up from that?
I was so tired this morning but my brother kept trying to wake me up( he is so lucky i didnt have anything to throw at him) so this was me this morning...

And all i could think about was hunger because i didnt eat much last night.

I yelled at my stomach because i am incapable of making myself some food..

And the whole time i yelled, my cats stared at me like i had grown a second head.

I swear they are trying to stare into my soul. They are practicing for when they take over the world.
but this is all they know as the world..
Oh yea. they are secretly plotting against us. though they look all innocent. Emilio(brown) and Princess(white) are obviously death machines!! This...
Is the same as..
In other words, we're all screwed! 'Cause your pets may be secret ninjas too! My friend thinks her cats are!! *update:So yah.. well back to hunger... i couldnt find anything. WAIT!!! OMG salt and viniger chips!!!!! MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wub salt and viniger chips!!!! hahaha! my bro bought them!!Mine now!!!!!!!!1.1

OMFG!! THUNDER!!! it sounded like ROBOGODZILLA was attacking the apartment!!! WE"RE ALL SCREWED!!
Even our fearless ninja Emilio is scared. He's running away from the window!!

LOLOLOL!! Yay! my mom bought food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMmmmmm..... Foood! Actual Food!!!!!! Today me and my brother were fighting against eachother in "Mortal Combat"(an awesome video game) 
He has an evil death stare when he plays. Needless to say..
I lost.


  1. LOL! I would be the "friend" !!!! LOL!!

  2. Yes my concentrated death stare will automatically become a victory. so in other words: come at me bra

  3. btw it is kombat not combat herp derp

  4. and ya u lost to your big bro in those like 5 matches
